022 - Bohemian Forest  
Schwarzenberg Channel
1. 4. 2018

The most beautiful period is the autumn on Bohemian Forest. You do not pass through the crowds of tourists and the weather is sunny and steady. Unlike the summer when a hail storm surprises you in a short while and it cools by twenty degrees. The nature conservationists are here to protect the grouse of the deer and, unlike Wallachia, the cycle routes do not lead through rough terrain. Still, you can explore with us the beautiful countryside along the forest paths and visit the Sumava Southern Trail and the Schwarzenberg Channel.

The film is in Czech with English subtitles

Nové Údolí – Wagon Pub, Jelení – Refreshment U Jirásků, Stožec – Penzion Pstruh,

Points of interest
Nové Údolí – Bohemian Forest Southern Trail , Rosenauer's Pond, Rosenauer's monument, Schwarzenberg Channel, Plechý Lake, Jelení - tunnel for floating wood, Schwarzenberg Channel Museum,

Route: From Stožec along yellow to Nové Údolí - along red to Rosenauer's monument - along blue along channel to crossroad Hučina stream - along green to Plechý Lake - along green back to crossroad - blue to Jelení - back along channel along blue to Ministerka crossroad - along Donkey Way (cycle trail 1029) to Stožec

Length: 39km
Elevation: 639 m
Difficulty: easy

GPS coordinates (*.gpx)
Route on