056 - Sázava River - Center of Bohemia  
(Wandering through dark canyons)
15th October 2023

The rough wilderness of the Central Bohemia Nature Park is a challenge for cyclists. The area, frequently visited by hikers and paddlers, offers river fords and rocky trails in the deep Sázava Canyon. Resigned to the fact that in places the terrain is so difficult that it is necessary to dismount and push the bike, we enjoy the beautiful views of the Sázava at Pikovice. The mysterious Wolf Valley will surprise you with its stone sea, which resembles a dry Himalayan riverbed. All this and other experiences are offered by the dense forests in the hilly landscape around Mount Devil.

The film is in Czech with English subtitles

Libeř - Libeř delicacies, Kamenný Přívoz - U Dvou pádel, Restaurant U Vemenáče, Jílové - Restaurant U Dušků, Nechánice - Restaurant U Zdeňky.

Points of interest
Central Bohemia Nature Park, Sázava Canyon, Sázava Trail, Medník National Nature Park, Žampach - viaduct, Vlčí rokle Nature Park, Regional Museum in Jílové u Prahy

Lenght: 50 km
Elevation: 714 m
Difficulty: middle
GPS coordinates (*.gpx)
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