060 - Wallachian Mountains  
(19 trails through the rough wilderness)
12th November 2023

Wallachia is a land promised to mountain bikers. Most of the territory consists of vast mountain ranges with dense forests and beautiful views. Local bikers can easily handle rocky roads, we sometimes reached the bottom, but we made it. In total, we made 19 rough circuits from the White Carpathians to the Beskydy Mountains. In doing so, we were inspired by the local cycling competition called the Peak Crown of Wallachia, or "Vekavecka."

The film is in Czech with English subtitles

015 – Vizovice Hills
017 – Javorníky Mountains
018 – Javorníky Mountains 2
028 - Vizovice Hills 2
032 - Vsetinské Beskydy
033 - Vsetinské Beskydy 2
041 - White Carpathians (CZ, SK)
044 - Veřovice Hills
045 - Beskids 2
046 - Javorníky Mountains 3 (SK)
054 - White Carpathians 2 (CZ, SK)
061 - Beskids 3 - Lysá hora
062 - Hostýn Hills
073 - White Carpathians 3
074 - Hostýn Hills 2
076 - Beskids 4 - Polom Ridge
084 - White Carpathians 4
088 - White Carpathians 5
093 - Beskids 5